Thursday, September 12, 2013

I don't understand...

-- The people that buy their babies/children primarily monogrammed/personalized clothing. I understand buying a shirt here or there for a special occasion or holiday but I've seen people on IG that seem to only dress their kids in monogrammed clothing. It seems like such a waste of money! You can't use it for any potential siblings or really even sell or donate it (especially if it's initials) so what do they do with everything?

-- The people that buy MULTIPLE Starbucks drinks EVERYDAY! Not only does that much caffeine seem unhealthy but I can't get over how much money they must be spending. I remember a guy at my old job always had multiple Starbucks cups on his desk everyday.

-- The people that don't like pets. I can understand why someone may not be able to have a pet (allergies, not allowed in a rental, expense etc) but there are people in the world that just don't like animals/pets in general. I don't get that. Our pets bring SO much joy and love into our life I can't imagine not having them or at the very least liking them. I know some people prefer dogs to cats or vice versa but to just not like either is strange to me. I don't trust those people.

-- The people that are always posting vague updates on Facebook simply trolling for attention. Ex: "Why does life always have to be so hard?"

-- The people that post multiple selfies a day EVERYday. Posting one "OOTD" photo a day is fine (I guess) but I don't want to see 5 pictures of you in a bathroom everytime I open my feed.

-- The people (i.e. celebrities) that buy 20,000 sq. ft. homes, typically for only one or two people to live in. Hell even if you had 2 or 3 kids why do you need a house that big? You probably won't even see half of the rooms most of the time. Not to mention the expense to decorate and maintain such a large home.


KatiePerk said...

Ha! I don't understand a lot of these either! We do however have a lot of monogrammed clothing! My mother in law has a monogramming machine and dolls up lots of my old navy clearance finds! Her monogrammed nice clothes, can be removed with a seam ripper. It takes like 3 minutes.

Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

i got my first pumpkin spice latte this morning FOR FIVE DOLLARS because every blogger was going on and on about it and i HATED IT. it tasted like SOAP, was NOT worth the calories AND IT WAS FIVE DOLLARS! i was so angry and it totally ruined my morning :(

Vodka and Soda

Fiona said...

I agree with EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE!!!! Uggg some people are bananas, aren't they?!

Kristen said...

Spot on!

C has had 4 monogrammed shirts ever...for birthdays and the others were gifted, it seems so silly to me too!

Heather said...

Sssssoooo agree!! Monograms are nice but your childs name on every piece of clothing, blanket, shoes is a bit much my opinion. Seems people are more out to impress others and paint a lifestyle through pictures and some just seem to be so miserable they post to get attention.

Stephanie said...


I was wanting something unique and special for C's birthday and was thinking monogrammed but then I realized how effin' foolish that was!

Stephanie said...

Yes to so many of these! The monogrammed clothes, the vague updates on FB (hate that!) the selfies on FB (hate that too, it’s just weird), and man I wish I could have a crazy big home. But then I’d have to furnish it and keep it clean. Maybe 2,000 sq. ft. and under is just fine. :)

Venassa said...

I'm not a pet person anymore. Dogs, in my opinion are too much work when I'm already exhausted by kids. I don't have the energy for walking and caring for them. Cats takes a bit less to maintain and we have one but I don't like him at all. We only got him because it was my boyfriend's cat from his roommate days, and his roommate couldn't keep him anymore so he moved in a few months ago. He's weird and creepy, not like any other cat I've ever had. And every morning around 5-6am, he starts meowing non-stop until everyone gets up for the day. My kids keep me up enough, I don't need a cat waking me up at the crack of dawn. He's not really cuddly or friendly. He's just creepy and meows a lot. And that's the end of my pet rant lol. I like animals, I just don't want one. At least not now.

docksidelove said...

I just popped over from Kathy's blog... I'm pretty sure I could have written this entire post!!

I follow a few people on twitter - and all the monogramming and matching. Well it's just not me.

"Back in the day" (I had kids super young and now they are past the point that they would even LET me monogram them up!) there just wasn't that stuff out there for kids - so it didn't even cross my mind.

I'm off to treat myself to a Starbucks today - but honestly, I have to budget for that business!!!

Can't wait to read more of the blog.

Have a great weekend :)

Amanda said...

The people I know who drink Starbucks several times a day also eat out for breakfast lunch and dinner, how can anyone afford all that?!?! And I'm not all about the monogram either, what if you want your next child to wear that outfit, it's just not going to happen!

I also get really offended when people come to my house and say they don't like dogs. How can you not love a big, droopy basset hound!

Melissa Blake said...

oh, i'm right there with you about fall...i love shopping for new things, especially school supplies! xoxo

Sarah said...

I have a friend in Dallas that is selling her half million dollar home and looking for a 3/4th million dollar home so they can 'have more room'. Ugh. I mean really? She married a trust fund baby, but I mean really? Why do you need that other than to be more Dallas-y. People. :)