Friday, January 3, 2014

Month 24 Update

This will be the last monthly update.

Weight/Height- As of your 2 year checkup you now weigh 34 pounds and are 35 inches tall and are perfectly healthy!

Eating- You still prefer to snack over having a full meal. Favorites include- applesauce, oranges, cheese, pasta, crackers, cheerios, cherry tomatoes, any kind of sweet or candy, muffins.

Sleep- In bed by 8pm and up around 6:30am. Still napping about 2 hours a day.

Clothes- 24 months, 2T and wearing sizes 6 and 7 shoes.

Appearance- hair is getting darker and turning more light brown. Green/grey/blue eyes. 

Likes- All things having to do with buses, cars and trucks. Now obsessed with construction trucks. You love watching Mickey Mouse and Modern Family. You still love to play outside though it doesn't happen as often since it's so cold out. You like to help me bake muffins and call yourself the muffin man. 

-You can speak in short sentences.
-You know the words to multiple songs including Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle Little Star, No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed and the ABC song.
-Can count to ten
-Can say most of your ABC's (by singing)
-Can recognize and say many different kinds of construction trucks including dump truck, loader, bull dozer and excavator.
-Recognize most family members and say their names when looking at photos. 
-You now sit in a booster seat at the table instead of the high chair and you love it. 
-Had your first trip to Chuck E Cheese. 
-You've peed and pooped on the potty at daycare many times but still not fully potty trained (mainly because I'm too lazy to do it at home)
-You know and can say all the names of the kids in your class.

Everyone, including your teachers tell us how smart and advanced you are especially with your verbal skills. We are so proud of you!!


Shannon said...

I love that he is the muffin man!
And good job on the potty training. You are doing way better than Taylor!

princessapr said...

I can't believe you went this long with monthly updates. I sort of did every 6 months for 2 years (yep, that's 5 times if you count the newborn update). HA.

That's fantastic with the verbal skills and language. Laura had the advantage of being with family versus day care, but she lagged behind with her language. She had a huge vocabulary, but she didn't speak much. She was early to potty train, but it was slow to be complete (still done before 3 though). It's probably best that you're not pushing him.

Happy New Year and happy birthday to Hunter!

Stephanie said...

What a smart guy you have?! Do you think day care has influence how quickly he has learned some of these things? I hope that when Connor goes to MDO in the fall, I can be reporting the same types of things you are with Hunter.
Hope he has a great birthday!

Stephanie said...

What a smart little guy! We've got to get better at teaching Chloe things that a lot of kids learn in school, like numbers, colors, ABC's. And way to go with potty training!!

Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

oh, he only gets more brilliant from here! i miss those naps!! now kayla is ON all weekend from when she gets up to when she goes to bed which is awesome but damn, i can't keep up with her energy!