Thursday, February 4, 2010

Guests in our own home

We live in a 2 bedroom 2 bath condo. Our second bedroom has a bed (obviously), tv, bookcase, desk of course houses Kristian's "man closet" which is where he keeps all his fishing and hunting stuff. It's been great having the second bedroom especially on the nights when Kristian's snoring is out of control and I need to banish him to the other room so I can get my beauty sleep.

I woke up yesterday morning to discover Kristian wasn't in bed, nor was he in the bathroom. I got up and found him sleeping in the guest room which was odd because I didn't recall having to yell at him about his snoring that night. He said he had had bad heartburn and was tossing and turning and didn't want to wake me up so he went to the other room. He's a sweet one right?

He then pointed out how comfortable the guest room bed is and that it maybe we should actually sleep in there every now and then. I was down. So last night we decided to pretend we were guests in our own home and sleep in the other bedroom. There's just one big problem with this. That's actually the bed the cats sleep on and neither seemed too please about our migration. Wendal gave us a dirty look and proceeded to go into the living room. Halpert (or as we like to call him Satan's Little Helper) decided to take the more direct, asshole approach. He waited til I had been sleeping for a good 2 hours, hit my REM stage to jump all over the room, using the furniture for his own personal cat Olympics. I tried kicking him out but he then proceeded to claw at the carpet outside the door.

Finally I gave up, cussed out the cat and went back to our bedroom, shut the door and slept alone (Kristian was passed out during this entire event). Around 6:30 this morning Kristian crawled back into bed and said that Halpert had spent the last hour jumping from the floor to the bed and using him as a hurdle. The cats have never bothered Kristian before when he's slept in there alone but I guess adding me to the mix pushed them over the edge.

Lesson learned- the cats would prefer it if we stayed in our own damn bed.

I took this picture last weekend when Kristian was taking a nap in the guest room.
Aren't my boys adorable??


Summer Athena said...

i have 3 boys too! adam, oli and tabasco.

they hate when we don't sleep in the room!


Mrs EyeCanSee said...

Haha. I love it. Guests in your own's like being on vacation! Except for the whole cat attack part.

meredith said...

ahaha... "satan's little helper." i wonder what will happen when guests actually sleep in that bed?? late night cat olympics!

Meagan said...

Aw...makes me want a cat!

princessapr said...

It's all the joys of staying in a hotel but with a familiar bathroom and kitchen... until you mentioned the kitties. I can understand. You give them this room and then you invade. Very cute pic.

Unknown said...

How do you get yours to sleep in another room? I have the exact opposite problem. I'm a prisoner in my king sized bed.

carrie1 said...

I'll trade you, your two cats for my one Rotti???

d.a.r. said...

Hysterical! Don't you love how pets make you feel like you should thank them for letting yall stay in your own house??

Mrs T said...

Too funny! They wanted you outta their room.

bananas. said...

i have an idea! switch beds? yes? no? i dunno!

our guest bedroom bed is not so comfy so i never switch. dave suggested that we do but i nixed that idea real quick.

Muito Igual a Você said...

Yes, they're adorable! Congrats for your family :)

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

They are way too adorable!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Yeah cats are none too thrilled when you change things up. My cats would have proposed a death match.

Caro said...

It doesn't matter in what bedroom we are, our cat always wakes us up.

Ela said...

Aw, look at them going down for their naptime.
Cats are so funny about change. Everytime we moved ours would find the basement and hide. Silly boy.

Born to be Mrs. Beever said...

That is freaking hilarious! Too funny. I don't know what I'm gonna do when I move in with Mr Fix It as our big pit bull sleeps with him and hogs half the bed - or more! I know I am going to have several sleepless nights while trying to figure out our new living arrangements. Perhaps I'll go sleep in my daughter's room with her :) That picture is adorable.