The road to baby #2 was not nearly as quick and easy as it was with baby #1. With Hunter I was fortunate to get pregnant pretty much the first cycle we tried/didn't prevent. Despite it happening so quickly with him I really didn't expect the same for the second, however, I also didn't expect it to be as long of a process.
I decided to get off birth control right before Hunter turned 2. I really wanted about a 3ish year age gap and figured even if it took a few months that timing would work out well. I gave my body a few months to get all the hormones from the birth control out of my system but by January I figured any time would be great. Well thanks to my crazy, long, irregular cycle things didn't happen as quickly as I had hoped. In fact, at one point it had been about 4 months without a period or ovulation (which I knew from temping and tracking my cycles) and finally my doctor decided to induce my period. A couple weeks after my induced period, in early December of 2014 I got pregnant again! Sadly, about 2 weeks after I found out I was pregnant I had a miscarriage, the day before Hunter's 3rd birthday.
Fortunately my doctor didn't see any reason why I shouldn't try again and we decided after a few months if I wasn't pregnant again I would do some tests and maybe move onto medication (which I was hesitant to do). Well after a few months I was not pregnant again and my doctor decided to run some tests including an ultrasound to check for any cysts or blockage. Fortunately all my tests came back normal so we couldn't really determine why I wasn't ovulating normally or getting pregnant.
After a lot of thought and discussions with a very hesitant husband I decided I would try Clomid. Well in order for that to happen my husband also had to be tested (which he was less than thrilled about) but thankfully all of his tests came back normal. So after another never-ending cycle I took medicine to induce my period once again and start my first round of Clomid which was July 2015.
Thanks to the Clomid I did ovulate on a pretty normal schedule, anywhere from day 18-20 of my cycle. However, I still wasn't getting pregnant. On my fifth round which started in November of 2015 my ovulation was late once again. During this time I had my annual checkup with my OBGYN and told her I was late ovulating. She said sometimes the Clomid doesn't work and to give it a couple more weeks and we could induce my period again and try one last round (they only allow 6 rounds) and we could up the dosage for the last round. Well FINALLY on day 34 I ovulated and two weeks later saw the two little lines I had been praying and waiting to see! As it turns out from talking to my doctor, given how long it took me to ovulate the last cycle she doesn't think the Clomid actually worked and I finally just ovulated on my own, go figure!
Even though it was a long and often frustrating process I do believe everything happens when it's supposed to. And though the age gap is a bit bigger than I had hoped for I do like the fact that Hunter is now at an age where he's not only pretty independent but can help us out quite a bit. I don't know if I could handle 2 under 2 or even just having 2 in diapers at the same time.