Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I Love Fall
Yep it's like having a bunch of your closest friends return from a summer abroad. And no I don't feel like a loser for referring to my shows as my closest friends. I'm a t.v. addict through and through. Does it drive Kristian crazy at times, sure, but he always realizes it keeps me quiet and occupied and out of his hair. Win Win.
The beginning of the fall t.v. season can be quite overwhelming with both returning favorites and new shows competing against each other. And of course there is always the hesitation to invest too soon into a new show which could quite likely be cancelled 5 episodes in. So like with any relationship you must proceed with caution and not put too much of your heart into it until you're sure it will stick around.
All I know is that if it weren't for DVR I would probably have a mild panic attack every night trying to determine what to watch. Even with the DVR and 3 t.v.'s in our condo it's tricky at times (like Monday's and Thursday's which are jammed packed).
Oh and in case anyone is wondering, yes I still talk to and hang out with my husband despite my packed t.v. schedule...that's what commercials are for :)
So in case anyone cares here's what I'm watching so far (list could change due to cancellations):
9pm- Desperate Housewives
10pm- Mad Men
9pm- Bridezillas (yes I still watch this...don't judge!)
10pm- Brothers & Sisters
8pm- 90210
9pm- Gossip Girl
10pm- Hawaii 5-0 (it has Tweeter from Varsity Blues in it!!!)
8pm- Chuck
9pm- The Event (still not sure how I feel about this show yet)
11pm- Real Housewives of whatever city they are showing, I always DVR the second showing so that I can DVR other stuff when it airs the first time. It's called DVR time management.
8pm- GLEEEEEEE!!! (Um I CANNOT wait for tonight's Britney episode!)
9pm- Raising Hope (new show, kinda cute, not sure if I like it or not)
10pm- Teen Mom (yes I like this show, shut up)
8pm- One Tree Hill (not a big fan of this show anymore, hence the DVR, I may watch it, I may not)
8pm- Undercovers (new show, not sure I really like it yet or not)
9pm- Modern Family (GREAT show)
10pm- Top Chef
Thursday- ALL Star TV night
8pm- My Generation (cute new show, not sure it will last though)
9pm- The Office (my favorite show of them all)
Here's where it gets tricky-
9pm- Grey's Anatomy (I start watching this as soon as The Office is over)
10pm- Private Practice (will watch this once I finish watching Grey's Anatomy)
11pm- Real Housewives of DC
**I will DVR the Saturday showing of Project Runway since I can't fit it in my DVR schedule on Thursday
**Another new show on Thursdays I like but have to watch online is Nikita...has a very Alias vibe to it and Alias is one of my all time favorite shows.
9pm- Say Yes to the Dress
10pm- Four Weddings (I still love wedding shows what can I say???)
Catch up on DVR shows from the week and relinquish the t.v. to Kristian for football.
Well there you have it. What shows do you watch?? Anything I should be working into my schedule???
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Well I was bored a while back and decided to take some of my wedding pictures and see what I could do with them via Picnik. I should say that I love my pictures and didn't think they really needed editing but after staring at the same photos for a few months I thought it would be fun to change them up a bit.
Below are some of my newly edited photos. I'm a big fan of having the background blurred a bit, I think it gives such a neat effect.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Good news and bad news from the weekend
Friday, September 17, 2010
The WTF of the day
The woman will go head-to-head writing wedding vows and planning honeymoons. The winner of the challenge will receive a plastic surgery procedure from her "wish list." She goes into surgery immediately and the results are seen in the following episode.
The show's description states the brides risk "possibly walking away with nothing and losing [their] chance to be the perfect bride."
OMG! That is SO dark!
The last bride standing will get her "dream wedding," where she will reveal her new appearance to her loved ones.
"Viewers will witness his emotional and possibly shocked reaction as they stand at the altar and he lifts her veil to see her for the first time following her extreme plastic surgery," said E!.
The Swan surgeon Terry Dubrow will turn these ladies into clones while Shanna Moakler hosts and Giuliana Rancic executive produces.
Ew. Ew. Ew.
Listen I'm not gonna lie, would it have been nice to have a boob job to help fill out my wedding dress or maybe a little botox to get rid of my frown lines for my wedding. Sure. But Extreme plastic surgery which would probably make me look like a totally different person a la Heidi Montag?! No thank you!! After all Kristian fell in love with me as is. Yes I know brides want to look their best on their wedding days, I certainly did, but this is just ridiculous!! I feel bad for any woman who has such low self esteem that they would choose to go on such a show.
Will any of you be watching?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Maybe it's just gas
Anyways the hilarity began during the question portion of the exam when once again they first asked me my marital status - Married. Followed by asking me if I'm sexually active - My husband would certainly hope so! Then my favorite question which is how many sexual partners I have- ONE!!!!! Okay I know there are some skanky married chicks that probably have more than one but the question still cracks me up.
During the exam the doctor, knowing I'm recently married, of course asked me about our baby making plans. And since most of my knowledge of baby making comes from watching Teen Mom I did have a few questions. Ummm did you know that some women don't get their period again for up to 6 months after getting off the pill?!?! This was brand new information to me. So basically that would mean having to pretty much take a pregnancy test on a weekly basis to see if you're late because your pregs or because your body is just wonky. Good thing they sell those at the dollar store!
We then somehow transitioned to talking about those nutty women on TLC's "I didn't know I was pregnant" and my doctor said she's had patients like that! One went full term without knowing (obviously she hadn't been to the doctor in those 9 months). Another one found out at 6 months during her annual exam after insisting there was no way she was pregnant. I asked my doctor how on Earth it's possible to not know you're pregnant for 6-9 months. Her response "Denial". Hell, wouldn't you feel the baby kick after a while? Though I suppose they write that off to just being gas. I just don't get it.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
PWD = Post Wedding Depression
Oh yes there have been and still are times when I get a little down, even almost 4 months out. It usually occurs when one or more of the following happen:
-When a friend announces their engagement...I can't help but feel a bit envious of all the excitement they have ahead of them.
-I see some other amazing wedding photos be it in a magazine or on a blog...I continue to see such cool ideas that I wish I had had the time, money or creativity to incorporate into my own wedding.
-When another month passes and I get further away from being a "newlywed". I like being a "shiny new wife", as Kristian likes to call me. And even though I complain about people constantly asking me how married life is, it's nice that people are interested. I know it won't last forever.
But then I breathe a sigh of relief and relish the fact that wedding planning is over when I think about all the not so fun parts of it such as:
-The constant stress and anxiety of planning and paying for a wedding.
-Managing family and friends and vendors and making sure that everyone knows what they are doing or where they are going. And having to constantly answer a million questions or make a million different decisions.
-Having to save every penny for the wedding and not be able to do the fun things you want to because of it.
-Spending most of your nights and weekends working on wedding stuff rather than just hanging out and doing fun things with the person you are marrying.
As stressful as it was at times, I did have a lot of fun planning my wedding and going through the whole process of it. However I'm totally happy that it's over and I can just be back to my normal life with some amazing memories to look back on. That doesn't however, mean that I don't still enjoy reading wedding blogs or watching wedding shows (much to Kristian's disappointment) but now I'm ready to look forward to the other big life events like buying a house or having a baby or planning my 10 year vow renewal :-)
I think one of the things that really helped me was being able to recap the wedding on this blog. I was able to share all the photos and relive all the moments again and now I have a wonderful record of it all to keep and look back on.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Mother and Daughter
![]() |
My mother on her wedding day- June 2, 1968 (20 years old) |
Me on my wedding day- May 22, 2010 (30 years old) |
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Surprise FAIL
I couldn't wait to show the book to Kristian but he had to work late last night. He called me when he left his appointment to let me know he would be home soon and I told him I had a surprise for him.
When he got home he looked a bit disappointed to see me sitting on the couch in my pajamas
Kristian: I thought my surprise was going to be you waiting for me in sexy lingerie when I got home
Me: Really? Shit, I suck. Now my surprise is going to be super lame.
Kristian: No it's okay what's the surprise
Me: This photobook *me feeling like the lamest person ever*
Kristian: Aww this is
Kristian: I'm also working late tomorrow night so if you want to do the lingerie thing tomorrow that'd be cool
Guess I know what I'm doing tonight!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
It's not MY money it's OUR money
Before we got married Kristian and I discussed what we would do about merging finances. Because of how he grew up and watching his parents he felt that we should completely merge everything and share all accounts and credit cards like his parents do. After watching my parent's messy divorce and the financial toll it took on my mom I felt strongly about having at least some of my money separate. He wasn't happy about this, he viewed it as my planning for a potential divorce which really wasn't my intention, I just think it's smart for ALL women to have some level of financial independence even if they are married.
After talking to some married friends and going back and forth we decided we would have one main shared account which all our bills would be paid from as well as a shared savings account to save for trips, new cars etc. In addition to that we would each keep a separate personal account. This way we would have our own fun money to spend how we wish. Now I can't bitch at him if he wants to buy a new fishing pole and he can't bitch at me for buying new shoes whenever I want. This is also the money we would use when buying gifts for each other.
We went on Friday to open up our first joint checking and savings account and it was definitely a surreal experience, after all I've never shared an account with a boy before!
Sidenote- we have a shared credit card and another shared savings account with a different bank that we set up strictly for wedding expenses but Kristian's never used either so even though his name is on both I feel like they are both just mine.
We still need to figure out the logistics of how much of each paycheck will go in the joint account vs. our personal accounts. It's hard since his job is commission based so instead of a bi-monthly paycheck he'll get one big commission check every month or so.
It's going to be a big adjustment for me. I'm not good at sharing, either my food or my money. I don't mind spending money on things for us or writing him a check to pay my part of the bills but knowing he has full access to my money at anytime does admittedly make me a bit uncomfortable. It's not because I don't trust him...it's not that AT ALL, it's just a change and I don't like change. Like I said I've always been very independent and protective of my finances and sharing money I think is one of the biggest forms of trust you can have with another person.
Monday, September 6, 2010
A Perfect Weekend
*hanging out on the pier*
*partaking in a few adult beverages*
-Followed by S'mores on the beach
-And Kristian helping his nephew set off fireworks on the beach
-Sunday we came home so I could watch my ECU Pirates win 51-49 with an amazing touchdown pass with 5 seconds left! Incredible!
-Monday I went shopping and was able to buy a pair of heels, a belt, a sweater dress, 2 long sleeve shirts and 3 sweaters all for about $100! I love F21. Then I cleaned out and re-organized my closet.
-Monday night Kristian went to the VA Tech game at FedEx Field and I stayed home, got some Chinese takeout and watched my trashy reality t.v. Unfortunately Tech didn't win which would have capped off the perfect weekend but at least he got to be at the game and see his team play in person from box seats no less!
I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
A decision's been made
As I mentioned in my "How We Met" post Kristian and I met via match.com so the title seemed fitting. I hope everyone likes it...and if you don't...oh well I ain't changing it.
I've made a few other updates to my sidebar including pictures of me and my handsome husband and the links to some of our wedding vendors. I may make a few other tweaks here and there but for now I'm happy with how it looks.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Where to go from here
So here's the thing I don't want to give up blogging, I really do enjoy it and I plan to continue to do it. Maybe not as often because let's face it my life is kinda boring but I can't foresee myself quitting it altogether. I'll probably still talk about my wedding and weddings in general because let's be honest I've been obsessed with weddings my whole life and mine especially and that's not gonna change anytime soon. However, I also plan to blog about being a newlywed and navigating the waters of being someones wife as well as whatever other shit pops in my head.
So here's my question, what should I do with my blog?? I've come up with a few ideas and I would love some feedback from the peanut gallery.
A- start a whole new blog ---I'm leaning away from this idea because it seems like a lot of extra work and to be honest I would hate to abandon this little corner of the blog world that I've created.
B- Keep the blog the same exact way --- This isn't a horrible idea except that the title no longer really fits my life. After all I'm not a bride anymore *sad face* I never expected to really keep up with the whole blogging thing otherwise I would have come up with a more generic title from the start.
C- Keep the blog but change the name --- This is the more likely scenario. I've thought of a few names though suggestions are welcomed and encouraged! Here's my question, if I just change the title of the blog does it automatically change in people's readers? Would people have to re-save it in their readers with the new name? I'm so blog stupid when it comes to stuff like this.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Guess what today is!!
Yep that's right folks, it's 90210 day! So let's all take a moment to pay our respects to one of the best shows of the 90's Beverly Hills 90210!!

(I definitely don't miss 90's fashion...heinous)
This was by far one of my favorite shows growing up. I couldn't get enough of the gang from West Beverly High. I have to say that Brenda was probably my favorite but that could be because the actress and I share the same first name (though why she spells it with an 'e' I'll never know). I'm still rooting for a Dylan/Brenda reunion. I always preferred Kelly with Brandon.
I wasn't as big of a fan of the college years and once they graduated from college I didn't watch as much...by then I had moved on to Dawson's Creek which we all watched every Wednesday night in the sorority house.
Whenever I'm bored on the weekends I have no problem turning on one of the 90210 reruns that are shown constantly on Soapnet. The episodes just never get old for me.
As for the new remake of 90210, I'm really not a fan. I'll watch the show but in my opinion it just can't compete with the original.
We're any of you fans of 90210 or am I the only loser out there??
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The #1 Post Married Question
Just for the record, if anyone is curious, we probably won't start trying until spring or summer of next year at the earliest. We need to move, get our finances in better shape etc. before we bring a little one into the mix.
No, for us, or rather for me, the most asked question I get is "So how's married life?". I get this almost daily, more than 3 months after the fact. Everybody asks me this, friends, co-workers, clients, vendors. It's amazing. I understand they are just trying to be nice and make conversation and show interest but it's such a funny question to me. What do they expect me to say "It's horrible and I want a divorce"? Even if God forbid that were true do they think I would really tell them?!
I typically respond with "It's good so far, I still like him" but I'm always tempted to say "Mine's great, how's yours?"
Like I said it doesn't bother me, I know they are just trying to be nice but if you really think about it, it's a rather personal question dontcha think? You don't see people asking couples who have been together for years "So how's married life?", maybe because they are afraid of the answer. With newlyweds I guess it's a pretty safe bet that the answer will be positive.