Monday, November 15, 2010

Clothes Adoption

When I was younger I always wished I had a big sister. To be honest I wouldn't have minded having a little sister but I really would have preferred an older sister. But alas it wasn't meant to be. I figured by having an older sister I could have ideally doubled my wardrobe by being able to adopt her hand me downs. I realize that growing up the last thing most kids want are hand me downs and had I had a sister I may have felt the same way but growing up with two older brothers I knew I wasn't get much out of them. I was able to borrow some of my mom's clothes but it's just not the same as having someone closer in age whose closet you can raid.

Well this past weekend I finally got to experience the joys of having a big sister with hand me downs. My mother-in-law called to tell me that Kristian's older sister had cleaned out her closet and she wanted me to come see if there was anything I wanted before they took it all to Goodwill. Knowing what great taste my sister in law has in clothes I couldn't wait.

My SIL and I are not the same size. First of all she's about 9 inches taller than me, so I knew I wouldn't be getting any pants out of the deal. I believe her shoe size is also several sizes bigger than mine which is a damn shame because that girl has some shoes that are TO DIE FOR!

I can't complain though because I walked away with several new tops, a cute jacket and Coach purse. Yes a COACH purse. Why she doesn't want to keep that is beyond me but hey I'll take it. I brought home a full bag's worth of clothes and after trying everything on was able to keep a little more than half. The rest either didn't fit me or didn't look good on me. Below are some pics of a few of the items I kept.

My new purse. It's a pretty plum color which is great for fall.

A really soft, lightweight sweater from Banana Republic

A F*A*N*G t-shirt

Cute lightweight jacket from the GAP.

Do you have any sisters or friends that you "adopt" clothes from?

Also, special birthday shoutout to my friend Kristen. I love you ladycakes!


princessapr said...

Being smaller than like everybody, I get offered clothes all the time. Best deals were from the woman my sister babysat for - all sundresses from J. Crew which just needed hemming. She is small but taller than I am. I get a little from my sister now and then, but we don't have the same taste or skin tone. I've gotten various things throughout the years, too, but I haven't gotten too much lately.

I do, however, get a TON of hand-me-downs for Laura though. Seeing as she's the first born, this is fantastic. If we have a second, this is the only reason why I'd want another girl - so I could reuse or pass down everything.

Nice bit of loot you got there!

bananas. said...

SCORE!!! i always wanted an older sister too...but i got something better. an older girl cousin who provided me with many fab outfits growing up.

Heather said...

That's awesome! I also don't have an older sister, but I do have a little sister. Unfortunately, since we're seven years apart, handing down clothes when we were younger wasn't really an option. And today, we both have our own styles, so there's still not too much of a point.

Jen said...

Aw, that's the Coach purse I wanted -- except in black leather to match my wallet! They don't carry it anymore. :(

I actually have that Gap jacket in khaki! LOL Love it and get so much wear out of it. I'm definitely not ready to give mine up yet.

I have a younger sister, and we tend to score tops off of each other (we too wear different pant and shoe sizes).

Jillian said...

SCORE!!!! My sister and I are always trading clothes.... we are exactly the same size so everything fits!!!

My cousin also has a killer closet that I frequently get to raid!

Jillian said...

SCORE!!!! My sister and I are always trading clothes.... we are exactly the same size so everything fits!!!

My cousin also has a killer closet that I frequently get to raid!

beka said...

My sister and I could only share clothes for a few years, but I have an aunt who showers me with awesome stuff- bags and shoes especially. Love it! :)

Now I try to "pay it forward" with my younger sisters, bringing them purses and clothes that I don't use as often.