Monday, October 4, 2010

Do you know...

This morning a nurse came to my house to give me a health exam. This had to be done in order for me to sign up for the long term disability insurance that my job offers. Since it's no cost to me I figure may as well sign up.

Anyways the nurse came and asked me all about my medical history, took my blood pressure, measured my height and weight and took a urine and blood sample. Fun right? I shouldn't complain too much because at least I didn't have to go to a doctor's office, they were able to come to me.

The interesting part of the visit was when Kristian (who was home as well) asked the nurse if she could take his blood pressure. Turns out that the last few times he's had his blood pressure checked (most recent being a few weeks ago) it's been high. Like really high for someone his age. I had no idea. He never mentioned this to me. After hearing what his blood pressure had been reading the nurse told him he needed to be on blood pressure medication especially since he has a family history of it (again I had no idea).

To be honest I was a bit pissed he had never told me this. After all what would happen if God forbid there was a medical emergency and I had to answer questions about is medical health because he was unable to. If they asked me if he had high blood pressure I would have said no (until today that is). This is very important information to have and I made it clear to him that he needs to be upfront about this stuff with me for both of our benefit.

So one of the things I want to do is sit down and go over our medical history with each other, including allergies, medications etc.Kristian has had a few surgeries for neck/back issues which I know all about but beyond that I really don't know much about his medical history. Bad wife! Unfortunately you never know when you'll need to give that information to someone.

Do you all know your spouse/partner's medical background?


PattyAnn said...

I know as much as he knows which isn't much. He doesn't go to the doctor, and he is estranged from his dad's side of the family so there is a whole family history we may never know about. This subject came up with us recently with us having a baby soon and all. I don't think this is something guys think about, they just figure if they're healthy, everything will be fine.

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

I actually know a lot about my husbands, but he has some medical conditions that are pretty important to know about. He on the other hand probably knows nothing about me. Luckily I have no drug allergies or really anything worth noting if in an emergency situation.

Nicole-Lynn said...

Oh boy. That would be scary... that's good to know definitely. This reminds me to go over the same info. with my fiance. Thanks.

bananas. said...

i get annual updates on dave's health so i know as much as i need to know. he's a baby like me so if there's anything the slightest bit wrong, he will be sure to tell me 100x.

Summer Athena said...

i don't know it all, to be honest. i mean, i can barely memorize his social. AHHHH! bad wife alert.

Jillian said...

We had this discussion long before we were married and several times since. It is not fun.... but very important

Anonymous said...

Hmm, that's a good point you bring up!

Mrs T said...

I have to force Mr B to go to a doctor. What is it about men that makes them think these things aren't important? Hope your hubby is ok.