Thursday, February 23, 2012

Opening up the floor

Since this week I've felt (and according to my husband looked) liked a cast member from The Walking Dead I haven't been able to come up with anything interesting to write on this here 'ol blog of mine. Hunter has been sleeping great however my child is a VERY noisy sleeper. He's constantly grunting and cooing and sighing in his sleep and since he's still currently in the bassinet next to the bed that makes getting some sleep a tad challenging. He WILL be going into the nursery this weekend. Now that's he's sleeping better and almost outgrown the bassinet it's time. And hopefully the baby monitor won't pick up every teeny little sound that he makes so that this light sleeping mama can get more than a few hours of sleep at night.

With all that said, I've decided to do something I haven't done in the 3 years I've been writing this blog and that's opening up the floor for any questions that you lovely folks might have for me. I'm a pretty open book and there isn't much I won't answer except maybe what my social security number is so ask away and I'll post the answers sometime next week.


Stephanie said...

What is one piece of advance you would give someone who is about to become a first time Mommy?? What is one thing you wish you would have done differntly in preparing for Hunter's arrival?

Unknown said...

What is the most surprising thing you have come to learn since being a mommy?

beka said...

How has your marriage changed since you got pregnant, and since he was born?

Do you feel more "family" now that there are 3 of you instead of 2?

Has having a baby changed your relationships with any family members? With friends?

Is it all worth it? Especially the sleep thing... I really like sleep... :)

You can tell I have lots of questions! :)

Heather said...

I'm tempted to do the same with my blog, since I have had zero time to post since Monday with all the class stuff I've got going on. My question is, what's your advice for someone (me) who is absolutely terrified of being pregnant and giving birth? While I would like to have at least one kid, reading others' pregnancy and birth story blog posts has honestly scared me to death and made me question whether I can really handle it. Were you able to work through any fears you had, and how did the physical aspects influence your views about motherhood?

Venassa said...

Chloe's still in my room right now but I'm slowly trying to move her to her crib. It feels like she's getting older way too fast.
As for questions... hmm..
Since everyone's asking mostly baby-related questions, I'll go a different route. How old were you when you first got your heart broken? How long have you known the (non-family) person you are closest to?

princessapr said...

Now that you've gone through the first month or two and have some semblance of a routine down, what has been different than expected (other than your birth story as no birth ever goes exactly as imagined I don't think)? Have you found things easier or harder than anticipated?

How many times already have people asked if you're going to have another and how do you NOT punch those people in the face?

Jillian said...

good luck moving him to the nursery. It was harder on me than it was for Juliette.

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Were there any fears you had before becoming a mom? What were they? Do you still have these fears now?

Brandi Hudack said...

No questions, yet, but I wanted to wish you good luck moving him to his crib. We attempted to move Savannah last night. She made it half way through the night but once she woke up I couldn't calm her long enough to ever fall asleep in there again. Everytime I layed her down she freaked out it seems, all that open space, and would move to much, even swaddled. I'm hoping to try again tonight and that it gets a little easier. Can't wait to hear how it goes for you.

carrie1 said...

Ahh.. I feel like a bad Mom. I moved max into his crib after two weeks. =(