Monday, June 6, 2016

Weekly Update- 26 weeks

5/30/16 - 6/5/16

Size of baby: A scallion- The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. 

Total Weight Gain/Loss: about 16 pounds

Maternity Clothes: I LOVE maternity shorts, so comfortable. Mostly maternity now for comfort and maxi dresses. 

Sex: Boy #2

Movement: Lots of movement, mainly at night around 8-9pm. 

What I miss: still miss my air conditioning. We need a brand new system which is $$$ and won't be installed til next week :(

Sleep: still sucks thanks to no AC. 

Symptoms: nothing new

Cravings: fruit and dessert...still  

Best Moment this week: another good appointment, baby's heartbeat sounds good. More progress cleaning out the future nursery, now 90% of the stuff in there is actually for the baby. Need to pick out a paint color this weekend so we can paint and then get the carpets cleaned. 

What I am looking forward to: Getting my AC fixed hopefully soon (still!)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Summer hasn't been too bad so far for us, has it been okay for you? You are close to us so I'm hoping that the case so that you haven't been dying without air.